I thought I would do a quick SketchUp rendering of what Jefferson would look like with a median--which was proposed by one of the forumers. Pictured is the segment of South Jefferson just south of Crittenden. Mattingly Brewery calls the southeast corner of this intersection home.
Here is a current view, via Google Streetview. This view looks southeast toward Mattingly from Crittenden.

And here is a SketchUp view of the intersection with a median:

And here are some extra shots. If I had more time, I would have added streetlights, trashcans, another road segment, etc. This is all I have for now though.

The above renderings show Jefferson with one lane of travel in each direction as well as one dedicated parking lane. I'm guessing that this would substantially slow the flow of traffic on Jefferson and make the commercial spaces along the stretch much more inviting. In addition, the median would be a great placeholder until the proposed Southside Metrolink extension got here (so please excuse the old growth trees that I placed in the model!).
Love it!
Thanks for the graphics - I was having trouble visualizing how medians would look. I think this would be a nice option and could help bring about new development in the area.
More pedestrian-friendly measures like this, combined with fewer auto-oriented structures (tear down the old BK near Jefferson/Gravois/Sidney!) may be just what Jefferson needs.
In a lot of cases, I'm not a fan of seeing single-family homes used for commercial purposes (see Hampton), but on Jefferson, I think it could work, due to the nature of the homes there. Some of those stately townhouses would be well suited for small offices (lawyers, CPAs, etc.) or shops.
really nice. what about my section of Jefferson, a la McKee? (North of Delmar.)
Just give me your desired intersection and I'll Sketch it Up.
North Jefferson and ???
Sketch Up is very useful. What you are demonstrating here, with the quick 'n dirty proposal for the landscaped median is what I've been talking about regarding 'New Infill Projects and Ideas'. This needs to be packaged in a website that allows designers and other tinkerers to upload graphic proposals for general improvemnts and infill development.
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