In Baltimore, power has been restored, yet three feet of snow remains, with 5 more inches on the way tomorrow. That means blogging time.
For now, a short post.
I found this new website, NabeWise, which beckons users to:
* Explore neighborhoods.
* Discover new neighborhoods.
* Find the right neighborhood for you.
So far, in its infancy, it includes only New York City and San Francisco. Make sure to register and get St. Louis added. This could be an excellent resource!
That's all for now.
4 hours ago
hopefully being in Baltimore you can help me. A few years ago i drove down to Baltimore from Philadelphia to see the waterfront. Turning off I95 I was deposited into this old neighborhood of what seemed like hundreds and hundreds of identical row houses...some occupied..many not. The seemed to go on for quite a distance. To put it bluntly it was rather ghetto. There appeared to be no stores of any kind. I presumed these were homes for the workers of the once bustling factories. Do you know this neighborhood and have any links to its story/history?
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