MODOT is seeking community consultation on "high priority" pedestrian and cyclist improvements to their transportation system.
Please, do the City of St. Louis a favor and submit a project!
There are some ground rules. Read them and submit your project here.
One requirement is that your proposal directly affect the MODOT system. So, for example, bike lanes on Lindell might sound great, but Lindell is not a state or federal road.
Try to think of ideas along the interstate system, but especially on one of the state-maintained roads within the City of St. Louis. These include:
> Missouri 30 - Gravois Avenue
> Missouri 100 - Chouteau/Manchester Avenues
> Missouri 115 - Natural Bridge Avenue
> Missouri 180 - From Goodfellow west to city limits on Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
> Missouri 267 - A portion of South Broadway in Carondelet/the Patch
> Missouri 366 - Chippewa Street
I submitted a proposal to install a planted median in the center of Gravois from Taft Avenue on the north to Christy Boulevard on the south. This would reduce traffic lanes on Gravois, provide a pedestrian crossing, beautify the area, and connect the Christy greenway and bike lanes to the Bevo neighborhood.
Please submit your own project ideas! St. Louis needs you right now, as the vast majority of submissions are coming from Kansas City and St. Joseph! If you need examples, click here for previously submitted projects (including mine).
2 hours ago
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