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Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Neighborhoods?

Every once in a while, I do a post so nerdy and nuanced that I know I'm the only one who cares.

With that out of the way, it appears the city has recognized two unofficial neighborhoods within (but not a part of) its official list of 79: Compton Hill/Reservoir Square (within Compton Heights) and Parkview (within Skinker-DeBaliviere). Parkview is actually mostly located within University City.

Given the number of unofficial neighborhoods strewn across the city, I'm wondering why these two got special recognition?

I will say, though, that the "Reservoir Square" neighborhood sounds so "big city". I like.

(I can't find the original link to the list of neighborhoods that include these two unofficial ones, but you still see how their websites are hosted by the city?)


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