Swallowed by industry, 3963 Gratiot was a pleasant, if deteriorated, reminder of the onetime residential character of this now very gray and non-residential portion of Forest Park Southeast.
I am not sure when it was demolished, but this present view of the area shows that it's definitely not there anymore. The "graffiti" (it looks like chalk, honestly) actually flattered this building, adding smart punches of color.
This was my grandma's house! Thank you SO much for taking that picture! I hadn't seen it since I was in 3rd grade (2002-03). I used to go there every day until I started school.
Thank you SO much for taking that picture!!!
Sorry for the double post; it was demolished totally a few years ago.
Actually, St. Louis Community Information Network took the picture (I failed to properly attribute it to them). Still, you're welcome for the spotlight. I'm sorry it was demolished!
When my family moved into this house in 1959 I was in the third grade. It was a vibrant neighborhood. Rock Spring School sits on Sarpy in the same block directly north of here. In the early Seventies Commerce bank got iminent domain over the area and demolished everything within 2 blocks (including St Bernard Church and school)to creat a indudrial area. The area sat idle for 15 years
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